How do I make time, for what I really want to do?

Do you find yourself with lots of ideas of new things you’d like to try, goals you want to achieve and projects you’d like to work on, but you just can’t find the time to fit any of this in?

This tool is a really useful way to check-in with yourself in how you are using your time, and how you can make time for the things you really want to do, by letting go of some of the things you don’t.

It can be used as a great end of the month review and refresh of your priorities for the following month. And it can also be used for different areas of your life, for work, for relationships, for physical wellbeing etc. The options are endless.


Draw out this pentagon for yourself. Think about your goals, where is it that you want to get to? What is your vision?

This will help you to identify what your priorities are.


Now, bearing in mind your vision of where you want to be, go through each of these areas and write down…

  • What will you do MORE of?

  • What will you do LESS of, to make room and space for your priorities?

  • What can you START doing?

  • What can you STOP doing?

  • And what do you want to KEEP on doing?


Looking at your pentagon and your notes, reflect on these questions…

  • How achievable do you feel these are?

  • Is there anything that could help make these feel more manageable?

  • Is there anything that could get in the way of you doing this?

  • How might you overcome that?

  • How will you celebrate at the end of the month for doing these things?


How can I celebrate my achievements?


How can I improve my wellbeing?