Many studies have shown how gratitude is strongly related to wellbeing (Jans-Beken et al., 2020; Wood et al., 2010). The positive effects of experiencing and expressing gratitude are endless.
Gratitude has been found to be beneficially associated with social wellbeing, emotional wellbeing, and psychological wellbeing (Jans-Beken et al., 2020).
We know that we can increase our sense and feelings of gratitude over time. Creating a practice of regular gratitude journaling can really enhance your overall feelings of gratitude, and therefore encourage the positive effects of increased social, emotional and psychological wellbeing.
Here are some exercises you can play with to support your gratitude practice.
how can i feel more gratitude?
Morning Reflections
What are three things you're grateful for as you start your day?
Acts of Kindness
Write about a recent act of kindness you received. How did it make you feel and why are you grateful for it?
Natural Wonders
Reflect on something in nature that you're grateful for today. It could be a beautiful sunrise, a flower, or a calming breeze.
Challenges Turned Blessings:
Think about a recent challenge or obstacle you faced. What positive aspects or lessons can you find in this situation?
Small Joys:
Write about a seemingly small thing that brought you joy today. It could be a warm cup of tea, a good book, or a pleasant conversation.