Sometimes you can feel like you have lots of goals, ideas and things you want to do or achieve. However you may not be feeling completely committed to them, or not feel like they’re fully in alignment to what you want to achieve.

This tool is a good reset and review of your goals. It helps you to check-in and see if your goals are the right ones for you to feel inspired and committed to them.


In the boxes in the table, you can write down what you want to BE, DO or HAVE. You can write as many or as few things under each heading as you wish. Here are a couple examples:

  • What I want to be: confident in myself

  • What I want to do: create more personal boundaries

  • What I want to have: more time to be creative


  • What I want to be: more energised

  • What I want to do: lead a healthy lifestyle

  • What I want to have: more time to relax

Whilst you are doing this pay attention to any emotions that arise or thoughts that emerge as you’re writing things down. For example, where you feel excited, where you feel resistance or any self-judgement. Everything you notice can give you useful information about what is going on for you, and might indicate an area to explore in more depth.


When you’ve written down everything you want to in the first column, you can now move on to the next two columns. Here you can think about, what will achieving these things bring you? What will be different? and Why is this important for you?

If you’re struggling to answer these questions, then you can cross that thing off the list.

STEP three

Next you can order your list in order of priority for you, from the most to the least important. As you’re doing this consider how you’re making your decisions, what criteria are you using?


Now you can reflect on your list.

How do you feel looking at it? What do you notice? Is there anything surprising in there? Given the list, what are your biggest priorities right now? What will you do from here?


How can I improve my wellbeing?


How can I untangle my thoughts?