Where do I even start?

Sometimes, everything can feel like a complete muddle…

Sometimes, you know you want change, you know you want to be doing things differently, but it can feel like one big muddle.

There are so many different thoughts, situations and elements to consider, it can feel quite overwhelming.

This tool is for those moments.

It supports you to get clear on the different elements in your life, take a stock check of where you are now, and find a good place to start moving forwards.


Start by drawing out this circle, separated into 8 segments. For each of the segments write out a label for each section representing the important elements of your life. This might include: finances, work, social activities, family, physical health… etc.

Or if you would like to focus on work specifically it could include: Stability, opportunity for growth, using my skills, income, work relationships etc.

You may even like to label your wheel with important values for you, such as safety, community, joy, connection, purpose


Write a 0 at the centre of the wheel, and a 10 at each end of the spikes. This represents an increasing scale. For each segment, think about what a 10/10 in this area would look like for you. You can write down some key points around the edge of the circle alongside the corresponding segment.


Now you have a good idea of what 10/10 would look like, go through each segment, and give a score out of 10 for how you currently feel about this particular subject. In this case the gut, instinctual reaction is often very telling, so don’t over think it. You can colour in the sections. You should end up with a circle that looks a bit like this one.


Now you have a good visual of where you are currently feeling in these different areas of your life. Take time to look at what you see and ask yourself…

  • What do you notice as you look at your wheel?

  • Does anything surprise you?

  • How are these areas and scores interconnected?

  • If one of these sections was at a 10, how would that affect the others?

  • Which area feels important to look at first?

  • How could you move that score up one point?


How can I feel more in control?