Spheres of Influence

This tool is adapted from Stephen Covey to support you to look at your areas of worry or concern, and to help calm those worries down by focussing on what you have complete control over, or partial control or influence over. Covey thought that by focusing more of your headspace in these two inner circles, it helps you to;- stay focussed and move forwards with more positive action; and help to release and let go of the things you can’t control.

Set up...

  • Draw out these circles on a big piece of paper.

  • Think about the thing that you are worrying about or concerned about at the moment

Next step...

  • Think about what aspects of this situation do you have no control over at all. Write them down in the outer circle.

  • What are the aspects that you have full control over? What is in your complete control?Write these down in the inner most circle.

  • What do you have partial control over? What can you influence? Write these down in the middle circle

Going deeper...

  • Look at what you’ve written in each of the circles. Is there anything else to add?

  • Double check your spheres, is there anything that you could move from one sphere into a different one?

  • What are you noticing from doing this exercise? What are you noticing about yourself? or about your situation?

  • What are you feeling?

  • Is there anything surprising that is coming out of this for you?

  • Is there any learning coming from this?

Following up...

  • What have you learnt from doing this exercise?

  • Are there any other situations that you could apply this learning?

  • How will you take this learning with you into your life?

  • Are there any actions or changes that you want to implement?


Where do I even start?


How can I acknowledge my fears, without letting them dictate my actions?