What if you could take MORE high-impact action in your business and NOT be held hostage by your self-doubt?
Say goodbye to your internal battle with your own thoughts, stopping you from showing up for yourself – and say hello to running a business with flow and ease, with YOU in the driver’s seat (and not your inner critic!)
If you’re a passion-driven business-owner, freelancer or consultant, and you find yourself saying “if only I had more confidence, I would… (start that podcast, do reels, reach out to potential clients, raise my prices, share my story)” – then this is for YOU.
Let’s be real…
It’s really hard to grow your business if you keep postponing the bold and courageous action that will make it happen. But once you learn how to work WITH your mind instead of AGAINST it, you’ll be surprised how much more you get done (and how much happier you’ll be in the process).
In fact, learning how to cope with the harsh rants of your inner critic is THE answer to start making yourself and your business more visible, reaching out to potential clients, launching new offers and raising your prices.
And if that’s not enough…
Once you learn how to accept difficult thoughts and feelings (yes, even doubts, fears and anxiety) and take action anyway – you free yourself from having to wait for the ‘lightbulb moments’ of inspiration. Which means you no longer push back important tasks or wait for that perfect time (that never comes).
Befriending your inner critic means ending the war with yourself, regaining your energy and experiencing less friction and more flow in your business.
As it is now – the constant self-doubt and fear of judgment hold you back from running your business effectively…
You want more customers but probably worry about how others will judge you, so you stay busy, tweaking your website and attending masterclasses, instead of reaching out for new clients, or being visible online.
You have times of flow when you’re a confident and proactive networker, but as soon as you don’t get the results you want, your motivation drops, and you shut down, thinking ‘am I not good enough?’
You’re committed to focus on your business, but your boundaries are blurry - so your other responsibilities always seem to hijack your schedule, making you feel like you never get the real work done, thinking ‘maybe I’m not cut out for this.’
And, your people pleasing tendencies and low confidence mean that you find it hard to charge appropriately for your services, and hard to say no to clients who might push your boundaries. So you end up over-delivering and under-charging, then feeling resentful and frustrated with yourself.
Sounds familiar?
As a result, you start to question if you have what it takes to actually do this, and you end up feeling disconnected from the passion that led you to start your own business in the first place.
But guess what? All of this can disappear!
What if there was a way for you to build your business without the mental headache – without being held back by doubt, fears and inner critic voices?
I’m Clare, and know there is. Because I used to be just like you…
Throughout my professional career I’ve always had perfectionist and people pleasing tendencies. I was often very afraid to make any kind of mistake, as I feared that people would think I wasn’t ‘good enough’ at my work.
I held myself to such a high standard, that I was…
Over working everyday - longer and longer hours.
Wasting a lot of time and energy worrying about my work and whether it was good enough
Worrying about what other people would think - which made me stall important work, and instead staying busy with the small stuff.
And feeling like I was lazy and wasn’t doing enough - meaning I found it really hard to relax or rest properly without guilt.
None of this was good for setting up an effective business. And this all led me to crashing. I ended up in total burnout, where I had to stop my work completely in order to recover.
I knew something drastic had to change…
I had tried many classic approaches to self development before – learning to be more confident, using positive affirmations, setting myself (quite achievable) goals.
Some of this worked for a short-term, but none of it REALLY made a difference in the long term. When my inner critic and negative thoughts started showing up again, I was frustrated with myself and once again felt that I wasn’t good enough.
Then I started to learn about an ALTERNATIVE way. An approach that meant I didn’t have to go to battle with myself, or with my mind. This approach meant I could ACCEPT myself and my thoughts as a natural part of my humanness - and that I wasn’t wrong, or bad, or failing, and I didn’t have to fight with myself.
Through this acceptance, it meant I could then take all the energy and attention I was spending on trying to control my thoughts, and channel them into taking ACTION for my business, and towards my goals.
Now I have done things I never thought I would have been able to in my business - set it up from scratch, become an avid networker, built a network of business allies and referrers, worked with incredible clients (over 40 clients over the past 1.5 years), appeared on podcasts, lead public workshops, and speaking events, and created a business which speaks directly to my passion, strengths and values.
And the best part? I’ve done all of this at NO heavy cost to my mental or physical wellbeing. Rather, it has made me feel more energised than ever!
Imagine how it will feel…
To go from this:
Spending hours creating posts for social media, wanting everything to look perfect
Worrying that others will see you as salesy if you reach out to them
Constantly procrastinating and then feeling bad about everything you haven’t done yet
Getting demotivated as soon as you don’t get the traction you want
Living on an exhausting emotional roller coaster
To this:
Creating with ease and being curious about the response (whatever that is) – so you can learn how to make it even better
Confidently sharing your services
Taking brave and bold action – regardless of how you feel
Keeping momentum high, regardless of external validation
Having more flow, grounding and conviction in your emotions, actions and decisions, moving forward way faster from a solid emotional foundation
This programme was designed for YOU
The programme that helps you stop the battle with your inner critic FOR GOOD, so you can take more high-impact action in your business with ease and flow.
We work together one-on-one for 5 months, to give you the individualised support to soothe the struggle against your own mind. Together we will remove the blocks that have you think…
When I feel really confident, then I’ll do the things I want to for my business
When I get rid of my anxious feelings and worry, then I’ll take that next big step
When I feel more motivated, then I’ll be able to do it easily!
When I care less about what other people think, then I’ll share more online
Because here’s the truth: It’s not what you think and how you feel that’s the problem. It’s that you’ve given your thoughts and emotions all the power, and then let THEM control your actions.
And that stops here.
It’s time to put YOU in control of your actions.
Throughout this programme you will…
Grow confidence to put yourself out there – so people see what you have to offer and can buy from you
You’ll learn to change your relationship with your unhelpful thoughts and feelings. As a result you’ll be able to take action to share your story and services even when those voices arise.
Keep momentum high so you can continue to take action even when you're not that motivated
Learn to refocus your attention and energy into your work, instead of being pulled back by fears of other people’s perceptions. This is about making your self-conviction louder than the voices around you, so you no longer let the worry of others' reactions throw you off course.
Establish and protect your business boundaries to make sure you get your high-impact tasks & decisions made
We’ll identify your authentic needs and values, so you can create and maintain boundaries – instead of letting your inner people pleaser run your business. Say goodbye to over-delivering, underselling and neglecting your own priorities.
Create a ‘launch, learn and improve’ approach to progress faster and more effectively
We’ll create new patterns of behaviour to focus on progress instead of perfection. We’ll cultivate a ‘test and learn’ mindset, so you make informed decisions and move forward way faster than if you stick to trying to make everything perfect from the start.
Here’s what that looks like…
Phase 1: Vision & Voices
Let’s define what you genuinely want with your business and what matters to you, so you can start separating your true self from your inner critic. Understanding this is crucial — it's about recognising what holds you back so you can reclaim control and focus on what truly matters to you.
Introductory objective setting questionnaire
3 x 60 minute 1:1 coaching sessions
Masterclasses, tools and exercises for:
Getting crystal clear on your vision, values and goals - motivate, guide and focus your actions
Understanding your unique strengths and resources - to leverage them for you and your business
Building awareness of your thoughts (e.g. inner critic, people pleaser, perfectionist etc.) and what role they are playing in your life and business - so you can begin to separate your true self from your voices.
Phase 2: Action Accelerator
Here, we equip you with personalised tools and strategies specifically designed to quiet your mind and activate the decisive actions needed in your business. Together we discover YOUR formula for success, so you can start building and maintaining momentum, establishing and upholding work boundaries, strengthening your visibility, and confidently engage with potential clients.
4 x 60 minute 1:1 coaching sessions
Masterclasses, tools and exercises for:
Psychological flexibility - so you can handle your inner critic from a place of inner-strength and grounding.
Connecting to the present moment, instead of being pulled into future worries or past regrets.
Creating a test and learn mindset, so you can act, learn & improve at pace.
Setting and maintaining boundaries
Refocusing attention on positive action and growth
Phase 3: Life-long Mastery
Finally, we transform all the progress and skills you've developed into lasting habits. Here, we ensure that the strategies you've learned are not just temporary fixes but become integral parts of how you operate your business daily. You'll continue to act confidently and decisively without being sidetracked by doubts or setbacks.
3 x 60 minute 1:1 coaching sessions
Masterclasses, tools and exercises for:
Habit building to embed these practices into your life for the long-term
Nurturing resilience to be able to get back on track with greater ease when you’re thrown off-course
Reflection tools to keep celebrating, learning, growing, and adapting as life changes along the way
Building your support toolkit so you’re well prepared and equipped to support yourself in the best way for you, when things get tough.
Each phase includes
Pre-recorded Masterclasses
to understand the neuroscience, research and frameworks which explain how we work as humans (this is all science-based).
Self-led tools and exercises putting knowledge into practice, and building the practical skills to move from self-critic to self-conviction. This is no one-size-fits-all. There’s a wealth of tools that you can explore and we’ll find the ones that work best for you.
Powerful Coaching Conversations - I’m I’m by your side every step of the way. Here is the space to dive into a deeper understanding and awareness of how this learning relates to YOU and actually making it a reality in your life and business. Together we’ll uncover your unique development journey, overcome challenges, and keeping up momentum and accountability to maximize your results. In total you have 10 coaching sessions (one every other week) throughout the 5 month programme.
Email support
for ongoing ad-hoc questions and queries along the way, responding within 48 hours.
Total investment for this 5-month 1:1 programme is
(or 5 x payments of £825)
this programme also includes….
2 x 30 minute emergency coaching sessions in your back pocket to be used when life happens, and you really need the extra support to work through a specific challenge that has popped up during the course of the programme.
Lifetime access to the resources so you’ve always got them to refer back to.
30 minute 1:1 follow-up session after 3 months of completing the programme, for accountability, check-in on progress and celebrating success.
Email support throughout the 5 month programme for ad-hoc questions and queries
So you get ALL of this…
5 months of personalised, high-touch support for your mindset transformation, to change the game for you and your business
10 x 60 minute powerful 1:1 coaching sessions, fortnightly throughout the 5 month period.
6+ pre-recorded masterclasses
30+ tools and exercises
1 x introduction survey to identify goals
2 x 30 minute emergency coaching sessions in your back pocket to be used when life happens, and you really need the extra support to work through a specific challenge that has popped up during the course of the programme.
Lifetime access to the resources so you’ve always got them to refer back to.
30 minute 1:1 follow-up session after 3 months of completing the programme, for accountability, check-in on progress and celebrating success.
Ongoing email support throughout the 5 month programme for ad-hoc questions and queries
You might be thinking right now
“Hmm. This sounds great, but I’ve already read lots of self development books and done some coaching. How is this different?”
How many books have you been inspired by and wanted to do what they said… But then nothing really happened? This is not just about learning, this is about doing.
Through my guidance you’ll be putting the knowledge into practice, and working out how you can take the action in the right way for YOU, and make sure this is integrated into your life so it sticks with you for the long-term.
Also, a lot of people believe they have to SILENCE the inner critic in order to take action and succeed. But this approach isn’t about fighting against yourself (that’s a losing battle!). Instead, we work to build practical skills to be able to accept, and live WITH difficult thoughts and feelings, WHILST still taking the action to lead you to your business goals and values. (And then with time, when you’re in full swing running the business of your dreams, you’ll notice how that voice slowly starts to shift.)
“But, how is it ACTUALLY going to improve my bottom line?”
Think about the cost to your business if you continue as you are. What opportunities are you missing out on because you’re not…
showing up, sharing your services and being visible?
reaching out to potential new clients?
launching your new offers and products?
taking consistent action?
When you’re able to take action that is consistent and impactful in your business even when it feels scary, you will be pushing your business forwards at a much faster pace. Which means – more traction, more clients, more impact, and ultimately more time and money freedom!
Wondering if this is a perfect fit for you?
You’re at a point of really wanting to GROW or SCALE-UP your business, but struggle a lot with your inner critical thoughts, leading you to delaying action, staying small and safe, and putting off taking important action to help your business grow.
You’re quick at showing compassion for others – but not so much towards yourself.
You’re a caring and kind hearted soul who really wants your business to help others and the world, but you don’t want to sacrifice your own wellbeing and personal life
You want your business to give you financial security and freedom, so you can switch off and enjoy time with your family, friends and hobbies outside of work.
If you just checked many or all the boxes – this solution has been crafted for you.