The Power of Polarity (to support your business mindset)

I don’t know about you, but I’ve often found myself slipping into ‘all or nothing’ thinking. One day, everything feels amazing; the next, nothing seems to be working. This emotional rollercoaster is normal—our brains simplify complex emotions, especially under stress, often pushing us to extremes. 

However, while normal, this way of thinking can sometimes hold us back, especially in business. Fear-driven thoughts have a sneaky way of stopping us from taking action, leaving space for procrastination to take over. 

One of the biggest game-changers for me has been diving into the concept of polarity. Instead of over-identifying with one extreme, I’m learning to recognise and embrace the complexity of my emotions. There are always opposing thoughts, feelings, and sensations within us at any given moment. By acknowledging these polarities, it helps to soften the emotional swings that once left me feeling overwhelmed. 

Moving away from extremes 

Rather than getting caught up in black-and-white thinking—whether everything is perfect or disastrous—I now take a step back and ask myself: what else is happening? what’s the other side of this thought or feeling? 

This shift has been profound. By exploring both sides of the spectrum, I’m able to be more aware of my emotional responses and slow down the pendulum from swinging too far in either direction. This creates a sense of stability in my day-to-day life and allows me to make clearer decisions in my business. 

Finding balance in complexity 

Recognising the polarities within ourselves isn’t about eliminating negative emotions or pretending that we don’t experience extremes. It’s about acknowledging the full range of our emotional landscape and finding strength in that complexity. 

So next time you feel consumed by a particular thought or feeling, take a moment to ask yourself: What else is going on here? What’s the other side of this experience? This small shift in awareness can open up a world of possibility, helping you move forward in your business with more balance, clarity, and resilience. 

By embracing our inner polarities, we move away from ‘all or nothing’ thinking and toward a place of greater emotional grounding. This process has been instrumental for me in finding more peace, stability, and momentum in both my business and my life. I invite you to explore this for yourself—you might be surprised by how much balance you can create. 


If you’re interested to learn more about this subject, I’m running a part theory/part practical workshop on Tuesday 29th October alongside a Yoga Nidra facilator. We will support you to explore your how you can embrace your own polarities to support you and your business mindset for greater emotional strength and resilience.  

Find out more and book your place here.


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