the power of ‘AND’
Language matters.
The words we use, whether they are in our heads or spoken out loud, massively impact our thoughts, feelings and actions.
This tool can be used when you are feeling that internal push and pull. You feel you really want to do something, long for something, but then you have feelings of fear or worry that can then hold you back from acting.
You can complete the sentences in relation to what it is that you are want to do, and what thoughts might be holding you back.
This diagram shows the reframe you can use of use ‘AND’ instead of ‘BUT’, to help you acknowledge that feelings of worry and fear can co-exist with your feelings of longing and desire to act. When we acknowledge this is natural, this is human and OK, we can then start to think about…
What exactly are these thoughts, fears, beliefs that are holding us back?
How true are they?
What could I do to help ease these fears?
What would make moving forward easier?